Ali Marie
Elementary Director
Meet Ali Marie
My favorite book of the Bible | Asking a Christian what their favorite book of the Bible is, is like asking an avid reader what their favorite book series is. It’s so hard to answer because they are all so good. However, if I choose just one, it would be the Book of Revelation. I am not an End-Time’s scholar, nor do I understand all of what Revelation says, but it is like a jig-saw puzzle full of metaphors and prophecies. While parts of it are worrisome to the human mind, the promise in it is why I love rereading it. It rains on the just and the unjust. Horrible things do happen to those who love and serve Jesus, but in the end, we win. We win because of His work on the cross. We win because He died for us, bore our pain, and will come back to get us. We win because no matter the pain on this Earth, we get to spend an eternity full of joy and peace with Him. The book of Revelation, for me, is the assurance that He equips His children to endure the heartaches of this life and gives us eternal hope. |
Education & Certification | I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education. I hold a teaching certificate in Missouri. |
Experience | I have worked in education for 11 years. As I was earning my degree, I worked as a tutor and a teacher assistant in an after-school program. After earning my degree I worked 6 years in the public school system, 2 years as a Kindergarten teacher, 3 years as a First Grade teacher, and 1 year as a virtual First Grade teacher. I also have taught reading and English Language Tutoring online for 4 years. During the year of virtual teaching due to the pandemic, I fell in love with virtual learning. However, I saw the gap between good education and the virtual world. The virtual world of education is just gaining traction and I love that I get to be a part of building that strong foundation for future generations. The 2022-2023 school year is my first year working in education from the comfort of my home office. I have a passion for providing an excellent education that prepares young learners to live a life honoring Jesus and the calling He has given them. I believe we are given the opportunity to reach more lives with virtual learning. Being a homeschooled student growing up before the days of the internet, I know how vital having a community is. I think virtual learning is where we connect excellent education and a like-minded community of believers preparing to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. |
What My Classroom is Like | My classroom is a place where people from all different walks of life come together as a family. One of the greatest parts of Lemons Aid is that we are not only a class family, but we are a part of the Father’s family. We are all truly brothers and sisters in Him. In our class, we learn through games, explicit teaching, and intentional guided practice. Students are engaged and challenged to better themselves each and every day. Every individual is loved and encouraged to grow their strengths, and strengthen the areas they struggle in. |
When I’m not Teaching or Working… | I live on a homestead in the Ozark Mountains near St. Louis, Missouri. My husband and I have a sweet little family with our middle schooler, a 90-lb German Shepherd, and chickens. We are fostering and love learning parent life with a middle schooler. I have too many hobbies to list here. However, my favorites include spending time with my family, kayaking, hiking, arts & and crafts, working out, reading, writing, and finding more efficient ways to clean my house (any mom of a middle school boy can relate, I’m sure). I also love spending time with my church family and mentoring young women in our community. |
Meet Ali Marie |