Kendra Mancuso at Lemons-Aid Learning

Kendra Mancuso

STEM Department Head & Math Teacher

Get to Know Mrs. Manuso

#energetic, #caring, #blessed, #organized, #experienced

Her favorite book of the BibleMrs. Mancuso’s favorite book of the Bible is James. This book is filled with wisdom, instructions and encouragement for believers. James exhorts believers to grow in their faith and maturity. Mrs. Mancuso remembers James 1:2-4 when she encounters trials; “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
Education & CertificationMrs. Mancuso earned her bachelor’s degree in mathematics from University of Northwestern – St. Paul. She has over 20 years of experience as a private math tutor. Mrs. Mancuso has taught in a private high school setting and as an adjunct at a university.
ExperienceMrs. Mancuso has taught math levels ranging from upper elementary to college level. She has taught in both a classroom setting and as a private math tutor.
What Her Classroom is LikeMrs. Mancuso engages her students in her lessons by asking lots of questions. These questions help students discover new concepts, remember old skills and build a strong foundation in math. Her classroom is interactive and exciting for students.
When She’s not Teaching or Working…When Mrs. Mancuso isn’t teaching or working, she enjoys spending quality time with her husband and sons. She loves to spend time outside hiking, being on the water or just hanging out in the fresh air.
Meet Mrs. Mancuso