Course Details:

Students will need either an account at ( or the ability to create a project directory and files on their own file system. If they choose to work locally, they will also need a suitable editor capable of loading and saving plain text files (e.g., files with no extra formatting). Visual Studio Code ( is recommended.

Basic Python Programming – Hello World


Learn the basics of Python programming in this 4-week mini-course. Students will write and run Python programs that show how work with variables, import libraries, and to do console-based input and output.

Section Options / Enroll:


Python is one of the most popular programming languages used in industry today. It is extremely versatile and can be used to create many different types of applications. Further, due to its English-like syntax and because it uses less punctuation than most other text-based languages, it is very easy to learn.

In this course, students will begin by writing the traditional “Hello, World!” program. “Hello, World!” is often the first program a programmer will write when learning a new programming language because it shows they know enough about the language and the tools to make something happen. Students will then write a “Guess the Number” game. Initially, the computer will pick a number for the player to guess, but the program will be extended to let the computer guess a number picked by the player. The programs will run from the command prompt with output presented as text on the screen and input provided with the keyboard.

The course will meet virtually for approximately one hour weekly for four weeks. In each interactive session, the instructor will provide instruction, lead guided practice, and answer questions. Students will then be given an assignment to complete on their own to complete before the next session. Students can contact the instructor between sessions via email (or an equivalent medium), and the instructor will provide feedback and suggestions on the assignments.

Students who complete this course as well as

* Basic Python Programming – Tic Tac Toe
* Basic Python Programming – Lost and Found
* Basic Python Programming – Calculator

are eligible for a one-semester credit for a course entitled “Basic Python Programming.”

Lesson Schedule

Class 1What is Hello, World?In this lessons, students will learn a bit of the history associated with the Hello, World program. They will then write their own version of Hello, Wolrd and extend it to explore additional concepts in Python including variables, lists, libraries, and console-based input and output.
Class 2Guess the Number – Player GuessIn this lesson, students will write a Python program to play the Guess the Number game with the computer. In this version, the computer will pick a number for the player to guess.
Class 3Guess the Number – Computer GuessIn this lesson, students will modify their Guess the Number game to offer the player the choice to have the computer be the one to try to guess the number. Initially, the computer will make its guess using a random number from the remaining range.
Class 4Improving the Computer’s StrategyIn this lesson, students will consider how to improve the computer’s strategy for guessing the player’s number.

Class Introduction Video

Taught From a Christian Perspective

Coding & Tech:

The fact that humans have the knowledge and ingenuity to create something as complex as a computer and the programming languages used to create the applications that make it useful is a testament to God’s role as the Creator. It is further proof that we were created in His image and given just a small fraction of His abilities to serve as stewards of His world.

All Classes:

Our mission is to equip learners’ minds and shepherd their hearts. We want them to have saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and then develop a biblical worldview. This means they view their world, themselves, and God in a way that aligns with what the Bible teaches. This brings great peace and understanding to the believer because we serve a good, sovereign God. This course is taught with these goals in mind. In class, we may pray, read scripture, and discuss how to view the content from a Christian perspective.

We have adopted The Master’s Seminary Doctrinal Statement.

The Lemons-Aid Way

Rich Content:

For over a century, progressive education reform has been “anti-content,” which means they de-emphasize rich content and focus instructional time on things such as self-esteem and “skills” they hope will benefit a learner in the future. This is why American kids do so poorly in testing compared to nations with content-rich curricula. We want our learners to increase in knowledge and grow in wisdom, which our content-area experts foster while teaching.

The Lemons-Aid Team

Lemons-Aid teachers have a few things in common.
❤️ They love their students and value each of their unique strengths and personalities that make our classes special. Our classes can be described as fun, personal, academic, challenging, and supportive.
🤩 We work to keep learners engaged, so there is always a degree of student accountability for their attention and focus, whether that be through asking them direct questions or by using the chatbox.
💭 We know all kids can learn, but sometimes things are hard! To support students, we teach them how to develop effective thinking and learning habits that will bring them success in class and in life.
🌟 Building relationships with students so they know we care about them helps us balance the high expectations we have for them regarding their effort, work quality, and behavior. Our students are encouraged, cared for, and they achieve!

Robert Walsh

Christian Teachers on Outschool

This course is not offered on Outschool.

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