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Lemons-Aid Learning

True or False?

I can teach my dyslexic child to read?

Homeschool Moms:

YOU CAN Teach Them to Read

You have chosen to homeschool your child for a number of reasons. One of the best reasons is because 1-1 instruction from mom is a wildly successful academic model that leads to success. You can do this even if your child has dyslexia or other learning challenges! We will help you.

$99 1st Grade Reading Curriculum
$20/month Coaching & Community

"First grade is one of the most important for a child on the road to reading, building on the foundation provided in kindergarten" (Shaywitz, Overcoming Dyslexia 223).

You Can Do It

There is no greater teacher for your child than you!

The Benefits of Learning From Mom:


Learners benefit from a teacher (mom) that knows every strength, weakness, quirk, and super power.

You are there on the good days and bad days. You inherently know when it's time to take a break, drop everything and go to the zoo, or buckle down and get it done. You are your child's best teacher.


There is no better academic model than 1-1.

The benefit of a 1-1 academic model is the best for growth and overcoming challenges. Children have the direct teaching needed, and you are able to adapt the lesson perfectly based on how well your child is doing. This is the opposite of an industrial, factory-style of education where all children need to be working on the same page.


What's the point?

The lofty goal of education for a Christian is that your child come to know Jesus as Lord. Study of the creation and all content area is ultimately for His glory and your child's work in the Kingdom. You are shepherding your child's heart AND mind.

We will Help. Introducing:

Curriculum, Coaching, Community, & Christ

The Four C's that Moms Need as They Homeschool

Parents can teach their kids to read

Everything You Need:

In 6 weeks, your child will progress one reading level.

... and you can overcome challenges

Feeling frustrated with the lack of reading progress your learner is making?

Should you start with teaching letter names or sounds? Are AI video games enough? Is reading to your child going to help? Should they memorize sight-words?

Are you nervous about teaching, handling multiple children, balancing your life, and especially for your child who learns differently?

Is your child reversing letters or do you feel like something is wrong?

Are you overwhelmed by curriculum options, tutors, and video game or AI teachers?

What Does Success Look Like?

You and your learner will make a great team!

Success is Based On:

The science-based curriculum your child deserves.
Coaching to silence the noise.
The community you need.
Access to a literacy coach.
Lesson & goal tracking to keep you accountable.
Christ-honoring community for friendship and support.

Teach Them to Read with Lemons-Aid Learning

Watch the video to get the scoop:

What does the program look like?

📚 You prepare for the lesson by using the Teacher’s Guide and watching a sample lesson. 

🥰 You teach the lesson. 

🤝 You have access to our community. Ask a literacy coach for advice, hear from other moms, and give encouragement yourself. 

☕️ Attend monthly coffee chats with staff and other parents. Ask questions and get trouble-shooting help and advice. 

✨Attend webinars to learn tricks of the trade when it comes to teaching your own children and managing a homeschool. 

🛟 If things are really hard, we are here to help. We have on-demand video lessons, live group classes, and 1-1 tutoring for your child at discounted rates. We have built-in safety nets! 

What Makes This Program Different From Others?

A Human Program

We are NOT leaving this critical year of learning to read to a robot! We are also not experimenting on your child with AI and gathering data to make the robots better. AI is heartless and doesn't care for your child.

Partnership With Experts

Lemons-Aid' is rooting for you, Mom! And we are here to help you have success. You have our experts at the other end of your keyboard to ask questions and get the support you need.

A Foundation of Faith

Your goals for your child are so much more than just academics and to some day get a job. You want your child to know Jesus and serve Him forever. We support your efforts. You can trust us.

Built on the Science of Reading

We are not trying to "reform" education, which has been going on in the public system for over 100 years. We are using curriculum that is based on how the brain learns to read. Our methods and curriculum is tried and true. We are not trying some new, untested method that will someday land on the trash-heap of educational experiments.


Not only do you have expert educators, literacy specialists, diagnosticians, bible teachers, but you also have other moms from around the country who are blazing this trail with you. With like-minded parents on the same journey, we want you to find comaraderie with others who are knitted together through the Holy Spirit.


Anyone who has homeschooled knows that the Friday homeschool mom is a bit different than the Monday mom. And the Spring homeschool looks different than it did in the fall. We get tired! There is always so much to do. We have built-in accountability measures to help you set goals and stay accountable.

What If Life Gets Crazy?

We are or were homeschool moms too! We know that a Monday mom is different from a Friday mom. Life happens--kids throw tantrums, a pipe bursts, a kid is sick, and you still have to clean and cook! We have built-in safety nets for you!

At the beginning of 1st grade, learners are officially "readers" wtih a vocabulary of about 400

(Shaywitz, Overcoming Dyslexia, 224).

Teach Them to Read
Teach Them to Read with Lemons-Aid Learning

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Supporting Families. Equipping Learners. Serving Christ.